Turen min arrangeres av det lokale argentinske selskapet Fernando Grajales Expeditions ( http://www.grajales.net/ ). Dette er et av de største og mest anerkjente selksapene på Aconcagua, og de har nesten 30 års erfaring på fjellet.

Fernando Grajales expedition har siden 1976 drevet med expedisjoner til toppen av Aconcagua
Her er programmet for turen:
2 Free day in Mendoza.
3 Transfer in private vehicles from Mendoza to Penitentes where the group will spend the night (2580 m /8,465 ft).
Hotel Vehicle 3 hs
4 From Penitentes, we take route 7, and, 7 miles away from the hotel, we arrive at the Horcones Valley (2950 m / 9,678 ft), where the trek begins, and after a short day, around 4 hours, we arrive at our camp, Confluencia (3390 m / 11,300 ft).
Camp Trekking 3-4 hs
5 Confluencia - South Face - Confluencia (4050 m / 13,287 ft). Our main objective is acclimatization. On this day, after a 7-hour walk, we will be close to the imposing south face of Aconcagua. Camp Trekking 6-7 hs
6 Confluencia - Plaza de Mulas. After a 7-hour hike we arrive at our base camp (4350 m / 14,500 ft).
Camp Trekking 7-9 hs
7 Rest in Plaza de Mulas.
8 Climbing Cerro Bonete (5004 m / 16,417 ft) Camp Trekking 5-6 hs
9 Equipment carry to Plaza Canadá (5050 m / 16,568 ft) and we return to Plaza de Mulas (5084 m / 16,680 ft).
Camp Trekking 3-4 hs
10 Rest day in Plaza de Mulas, where the climbers will be able to have a hot shower.
11 Plaza de Mulas - Plaza Canadá (5050 m / 16,568 ft), where we will set up our first camp.
Camp Trekking 2½ - 3 hs
12 Canadá - Nido de Condores (5560 m / 18,241 ft), our porters will carry the tents an all the rest of the common gear.
Camp Trekking 3-4 hs
13 Nido de Cóndores - Berlín (5930 m / 19,455 ft). This will be the group´s last high altitude camp before attempting to the summit (6028 m / 19,776 ft).
Camp Trekking 2-3 hs
14 Summit day (6962 m / 22,841 ft), To secure the success of the expedition we have added two additional summit days in case of bad weather.
Camp Trekking 8-12 hs
15 Extra weather day.
16 Extra weather day.
17 Berlín - Plaza de Mulas.
18 Plaza de Mulas – Penitentes: this walk takes approximately 6/7 hours to the park entrance at Horcones Valley, from where we will be driven to Mendoza by vehicle, after picking up our gear in Penitentes.
Hotel Vehicle 3 hs Trekking 6-7 hs.
Included services
• 2 nights of lodging in Mendoza. *** hotel
• 1 night of lodging in Penitentes (meals included).
• All the meals during the expedition (except in Mendoza and Uspallata).
• Bilingual professional guide and assistants.
• All shared equipment for the expedition (Tents, stoves, etc).
• Complete base camp services (meals, accommodation, etc).
• All the transfers in private vans.
• Mule transportation of the equipment.
• Permanent VHF radio communication.
• We provide all our guides with a professional first aids kits and pulse oximeter for daily updates of acclimatization progress.
• One high altitude porter every 4 climbers.
• Assistance with climbing permit procedure.
Not included services:
• Aconcagua Park entrance fee.
• Personal porters.
• Any cost if the climber abandons the trip.
• Meals in Mendoza.
• Drinks in Mendoza and Penitentes.
• Personal gear, medications, ground or air evacuations, room services, laundry, beverages, phone communications and items of personal nature, insurance liability, hospitalization or medication of any kind, any other service not mentioned in this condition sheet.
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